Listen Up, Nerds Shopping Corner

Hey there, thanks for subscribing to the Listen Up, Nerds Newsletter.
In a former life, I was a merchman. I made t-shirts and sold them. I still sell a lot of t-shirts (vintage stuff and rarer contemporary shirts, you can find me on depop: @listenupnerds) but I come to you with the first of the merch offerings for this very newsletter.
Starting today, you can buy the first-ever Listen Up, Nerds t-shirt in black, grey, and white. You can also purchase the zine I made of NBA player tattoos (Vol. 2 coming later this year). The shirts ship from a fulfillment center, the zine ships from me. You can get it all from Fear Of Life:

I'd also like to direct you to a few other places to spend your hard-earned money:
My friend and one-time interviewee Miranda Reinert solicited work from some of the best music writers doing it right now and put it all into a new magazine she's making called Portable Model. Portable Model features stories, scene reports, photos, essays, and other cool stuff. It features writers such as Arielle Gordon, Grace Robins-Somerville, Evan Minsker, Hugo Reyes, Eli Enis, Brendan Menapace, and Miranda herself. You can purchase it here:

I'm also in the magazine with a scene report from Denver, where I moved back after 2.5 years in Brooklyn. The essay is a pretty good summary of why I moved back. I'm so excited to receive my copy and I'm stoked to even be a part of the coolest new thing in music journalism.
Finally, the homie Dogmeat is selling shirts again. Will this be the last time? Maybe. Reprints of two classic alt band shirts that you can either pay $400 for with a vintage dealer or you can pay $35 now and get an incredibly faithful reproduction.

The Best Hardcore Song Of All Time returns on Tuesday with 1980 AND 1981. I'll see you there. Thanks, as always, for the support.
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