Jay Papandreas

Jay Papandreas

writer, podcaster, content creator, based in denver

Nerding Out: The Curse

Hey so I wrote a little thing about The Curse but I must warn you that it's full of spoilers and whatnot so that's your warning. First off, plugging

Listen Up, Nerds - 2024 Resolutions

Welcome to the Listen Up, Nerds Newsletter. A new year, but I promise some of the same things will happen over here. Consistency is key, they say, so I am going to do

Listen Up, Nerds: The Top 10 Releases of 2023

So what *is* an album, anyway? What do we talk about when we talk about albums of the year? What’s our criteria? Emotional appeal? Reasoning? A cogent argument? When I sit down

Listen Up, Nerds: The 13 Best Songs of 2023

It’s that time of year. It’s List Szn as you might be aware. The following 13 songs are my favorite 13 songs of the year. There were a ton of honorable